
Snowflake is a warehouse-direct integration. Warehouse direct integrations authorize Predictable to directly query views and tables in the data warehouse that your organization manages.


To configure a Snowflake integration, your organization must complete the following steps:

Create a stage for Predictable to use to load and unload data

When your account is created, Predictable will provide to you a Google Cloud Storage URI in the format gcs://client-. Using this GCS bucket, create an external stage in Snowflake, and tie it to a storage integration. Ensure that the external stage contains the supplied URI asn allowed_location.

Once this is complete, provide the name of the storage integration to Predictable.

Create Schemas

In your snowflake account, create two schemas: PREDICT_INPUT and PREDICT_OUTPUT.

Create a user for Predictable

Create a set of credentials for an Predictable user. This user must be able to perform the following:

  • Run analytical SQL queries against Predictable customer schema views in PREDICT_INPUT Schema.
  • Run DML queries against results tables in PREDICT_OUTPUT schema
  • Access to load data into and out of the external stage

Once this user is created, supply the credentials to Predictable along with the warehouse and role this user can use.